
बाढी तथा पहिरोबाट उत्पन्न दावीको विवरण मंसिर २६ सम्मको।     बीमालेख जारी गरिएको सम्बन्धमा।     मौरी बीमालेख     तरकारी खेती बीमालेख     कफि बीमालेख     उखु बीमालेख     Risk Based Capital and Solvency Directive, 2024 जारी गरिएको सम्बन्धमा।     Guide to Supervisory Intervention Framework 2024     कृषि तथा पशुपन्छी बीमा प्रणालीको प्रयोगकर्ता म्यानुअल।     बीमालेख सफ्टवेयर मार्फत जारी गर्ने बारे।     Risk Free Rate has been published     Spread Rate has been published     According to the Insurance Act 2079, the insurance nature of the business need to be registered in Nepal Insurance Authority.    

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बीमा व्यवसायको मासिक विवरण

सूचकहरू आश्विन 2024 (Sep/Oct) कार्तिक 2024 (Oct/Nov)
Life insurance policies issued (No. in thousand) 1464 1833

Micro life insurance policies issued (No. in thousand)

944 1130
Non-life insurance policies issued (No. in thousand) 738 999
Micro non-life insurance policies issued (No. in thousand) 73 105
Inforce life insurance policies (No. in thousand) 13766 13805
Inforce conventional life insurance policies (No. in thousand) 5590 5566
Inforce term life insurance policies (No. in thousand) 5990 6071
Inforce foreign employment term life insurance policies (No. in thousand) 2187 2168
Gross Premium Collection (Rs. in billion) 52.88 68.06
Life insurance gross premium collection (Rs. in billion) 41.30 53.70
First premium (Rs. in billion) 8.38 11.01
Renewal premium (Rs. in billion) 32.92 42.69
Micro insurance premium (Rs. in billion) 0.60 0.79
Foreign employment premium (Rs. in billion) 0.72 1.06
Non-life insurance gross premium (Rs. in billion) 11.57 14.36
Micro Non-life insurance premium (Rs. in billion)
0.19 0.27
Insurance coverage (Conventional + Term + Foreign Employment life insurance Policies) % 42.84 42.92
Insurance coverage (Conventional + Term life insurance Policies) % 35.73 35.88
Insurance coverage (Conventional life insurance Policies) % 17.25 17.16
Total no. of branch offices (Life+Non-life+Micro) 2,998 2991
Branch office of life insurers 1780 1770
Branch office of micro life insurers 60 60
Branch offices of nonlife insurers 1049 1052
Branch office of micro nonlife insurers 109 109
Total no. of employees (Life+Non-life+Micro) 11,799 11818
No. of employee of life insurers 5690 5703
No. of employee of micro life insurers 175 179
No. of employee of non-life insurers 5618 5621
No. of employee of micro nonlife insurers 316 315

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